
The options object in Extracta.ai's API requests provides additional customization for your data extraction process. By setting different properties within this object, you can tailor the extraction to suit the specific needs of your documents. Currently, the options object includes two properties: hasTable and handwrittenTextRecognition. Here's how each option affects your data extraction:

Options Overview


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: false

  • Description: Indicates whether the document to be processed contains tables. When set to true, the extraction process includes an additional step specifically designed to analyze and extract information from tables within the document. This option ensures that table data is accurately recognized and extracted, providing structured information that's easy to use and analyze.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: false

  • Description: Determines if the document includes handwritten text that needs to be recognized and extracted. Setting this option to true initiates a specialized step in the extraction process focused on analyzing handwritten text. This feature leverages advanced OCR and machine learning techniques to convert handwritten notes into digital text, enhancing the comprehensiveness of the data extraction.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Default: false

  • Description: Determines if the document contains checkboxes that need to be recognized and their states (checked or unchecked) extracted. When set to true, the extraction process includes a specialized step focused on identifying checkboxes within the document and accurately determining their status.

Using the options Object

To utilize these options, include the options object in your API request payload, specifying your preferences for hasTable and handwrittenTextRecognition as shown below:

  "options": {
    "hasTable": false,
    "handwrittenTextRecognition": false,
    "checkboxRecognition": false

Adjust the values according to the needs of your document. For instance, if your document includes tables and handwritten notes, and you wish to extract data from both, your options object would look like this:

  "options": {
    "hasTable": true,
    "handwrittenTextRecognition": true,
    "checkboxRecognition": false


The options object allows for significant customization of the extraction process, enabling you to adapt the extraction to fit the unique characteristics of your documents. Whether dealing with complex tables, handwritten notes, or both, adjusting these options ensures that your extraction process is optimized for the highest accuracy and relevance of the extracted data.

Remember to review your documents' needs and set the options accordingly to take full advantage of the customized extraction capabilities offered by Extracta.ai.

1. Create extraction

Last updated